1. If we interchange the supply terminals of an universal motor, then the rotor will
(a) fail to start.
(b) rotate in reverse direction.
(c) run in same direction.
(d) burn out. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] C [/accordion-item][/accordion]
2. When an universal motor is operating in no load condition, its speed is laminated by
(a) armature resistance.
(b) field resistance.
(c) winding and friction.
(d) armature reaction. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] C [/accordion-item][/accordion]
3. For starting a schrage motor, three phase supply is connected to
(a) stator.
(b) rotor.
(c) commutator.
(d) none of the above. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] B [/accordion-item][/accordion]
4. Linear induction motor is used in
(a) conveyors.
(b) elevators.
(c) Accelerator.
(d) traction. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] D [/accordion-item][/accordion]
5. In a hysteresis motor, the hysteresis losses at standstill condition are
(a) minimum.
(b) maximum.
(c) very high.
(d) same at all speed. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] A [/accordion-item][/accordion]
6. Reluctance motor operates on
(a) DC only.
(b) AC only.
(c) both DC and AC.
(d) none of the above. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] B [/accordion-item][/accordion]
7. When the armature reaction effect in and AC series motor increases, its speed is
(a) increases.
(b) decreases.
(c) remain unchanged.
(d) none of the have. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] A [/accordion-item][/accordion]
8. In hysteresis motor, the rotor carries a layer of special magnetic material that must have
(a) non magnetic nature.
(b) zero hysteresis loop.
(c) low hysteresis loop.
(d) high hysteresis loop. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] D [/accordion-item][/accordion]
9. Efficiency of a universal motor is more which operates on
(a) AC.
(b) DC.
(c) either AC or DC.
(d) none of the above. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] B [/accordion-item][/accordion]