1. Which of the following gas is mainly used inside a electric bulb?
(a) Carbon dioxide gas.
(b) Hydrogen gas.
(c) Inert gas.
(d) Helium gas. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] C [/accordion-item][/accordion]
2. Which part of microwave oven generate micro waves?
(a) Generator.
(b) Magnetron.
(c) Metal mesh.
(d) Booste.r [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] B [/accordion-item][/accordion]
3. In microwave oven, the micro waves have a special property that they are absorb by
(a) water.
(b) fats.
(c) sugar.
(d) all of the above. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] D [/accordion-item][/accordion]
4. When the door of a refrigerator is kept open, the temperature of room will
(a) increase.
(c) remain same.
(d) none of the above. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] A [/accordion-item][/accordion]
5. Which of the following lamp cannot sustain much voltage fluctuations?
(a) Incandescent lamp.
(b) Sodium vapour lamp.
(c) Mercury vapour lamp.
(d) Fluorescent lamp. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] A [/accordion-item][/accordion]
6. A current source inverter is generally employed if source inductance is
(a) small.
(b) large.
(c) zero.
(d) none of the above. [accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer” state=closed] B [/accordion-item][/accordion]