Fluid Mechanics MCQs (Part-2)

What is the primary force responsible for buoyancy?

A Viscous force
B Gravitational force
C Surface tension
D Inertial force

What is the unit of kinematic viscosity?

A m²/s
B N/m²
C kg/m³
D m/s²

Which equation describes the conservation of momentum in fluid flow?

A Bernoulli’s equation
B Continuity equation
C Navier Stokes equation
D Euler’s equation

What is the primary purpose of a manometer?

A Measure flow rate
B Measure velocity
C Measure pressure
D Measure viscosity

What is the critical Reynolds number for flow in a pipe?

A 500
B 2000
C 1000
D 4000

What is the primary cause of drag force in fluid flow?

A Viscosity
B Pressure difference
C Surface tension
D Gravity

What is the primary application of a Pitot tube?

A Measure pressure
B Measure velocity
C Measure flow rate
D Measure viscosity

What is the primary assumption in Euler’s equation?

A Viscous flow
B Incompressible flow
C Inviscid flow
D Turbulent flow

What is the primary purpose of a siphon?

A Transfer fluid between reservoirs
B Measure flow rate
C Increase pressure
D Reduce velocity

What is the primary cause of lift force on an airfoil?

A Viscosity
B Surface tension
C Gravity
D Pressure difference

What is the primary purpose of dimensional analysis?

A Simplify complex problems
B Measure fluid density
C Calculate fluid pressure
D Determine fluid temperature

What is the primary cause of surge in pipelines?

A Increase in fluid density
B Decrease in fluid velocity
C Increase in fluid temperature
D Sudden valve opening

What is the primary purpose of a turbine in fluid systems?

A Increase fluid pressure
B Measure fluid flow
C Convert fluid energy to mechanical energy
D Store fluid

What is the primary cause of boundary layer separation?

A Increase in fluid velocity
B Adverse pressure gradient
C Decrease in fluid viscosity
D Increase in fluid temperature

What is the primary purpose of flow visualization techniques?

A Study flow patterns
B Measure fluid pressure
C Calculate fluid velocity
D Determine fluid density