Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation MCQs (Part-7)

What is the primary function of a transducer?

A To amplify signals
B To convert physical quantities into electrical signals
C To store energy
D To measure current

Which device is used to measure the power factor of an electrical circuit?

A Wattmeter
B Power factor meter
C Frequency meter
D Ammeter

What is the principle of operation of an induction-type energy meter?

A Electromagnetic induction
B Piezoelectric effect
C Electrostatic force
D Thermal expansion

What is the purpose of using a strain gauge?

A To measure displacement
B To measure strain in materials
C To measure temperature
D To measure pressure

What does a signal conditioner do in a measurement system?

A Amplifies and filters the signal
B Measures the signal directly
C Converts analog signals to digital
D Stores the signal

Which instrument is used to detect phase difference between two AC signals?

A Phase meter
B Frequency meter
C Oscilloscope
D Voltmeter

What is the primary function of a data acquisition system?

A To store electrical energy
B To collect and process data from sensors
C To measure voltage only
D To transmit data wirelessly

What type of bridge is used to measure inductance?

A Maxwell’s bridge
B Wheatstone bridge
C Kelvin bridge
D Schering bridge

Which transducer is used for measuring temperature?

B Thermocouple
C Strain gauge
D Piezoelectric sensor

What is the unit of power measured by a wattmeter?

A Amperes
B Watts
C Volts
D Ohms

Which material is commonly used in piezoelectric transducers?

A Quartz
B Copper
C Iron
D Aluminum

What does an oscilloscope primarily measure?

A Resistance
B Voltage variations over time
C Power
D Capacitance

What is the dynamic characteristic of an instrument?

A Linearity
B Time constant
C Accuracy
D Sensitivity

Which type of noise is reduced by using shielding in electrical systems?

A Thermal noise
B Electromagnetic interference (EMI)
C Shot noise
D Flicker noise

What is the purpose of calibration in instruments?

A To increase range
B To ensure accuracy by comparing with a standard
C To reduce power consumption
D To increase response time

Which instrument is primarily used to detect small currents?

A Ammeter
B Galvanometer
C Multimeter
D Wattmeter

What is the primary function of a potential transformer?

A To step down voltage for safe measurement
B To measure current
C To amplify signals
D To store energy

Which type of meter measures the total energy consumption over time?

A Wattmeter
B Energy meter
C Multimeter
D Ammeter

What is the unit of power measured by a wattmeter?

A Amperes
B Watts
C Volts
D Ohms

What is the purpose of using a Venturi meter?

A To measure pressure
B To measure flow rate of fluids
C To measure temperature
D To measure speed