Digital Electronics MCQs (Part-4)

Which logic gate produces a low output only when all inputs are high?


What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 101010101010?

A 9
B 10
C 11
D 12

What is the primary purpose of a latch in digital circuits?

A Amplify signals
B Perform arithmetic operations
C Store one bit of data
D Decode binary inputs

Which combinational circuit converts binary data into a single active output?

A Decoder
B Encoder
C Multiplexer
D Counter

Which Boolean algebra law is represented by A+AB=A?

A Absorption Law
B Distributive Law
C Identity Law
D Idempotent Law

What is the function of a ring counter?

A Store data temporarily
B Perform multiplication
C Cycle through a predefined sequence of states
D Amplify clock signals

What is the binary representation of the decimal number 8?

A 111
B 1010
C 1000
D 1100

What is the difference between a latch and a flip-flop?

A Latches operate with a clock signal, flip-flops do not
B Flip-flops operate with a clock signal, latches do not
C Both operate with a clock signal
D Neither use a clock signal

What is the purpose of a parity bit in digital communication?

A Perform logical operations
B Detect errors in data transmission
C Convert data formats
D Amplify signals

How many input combinations are possible for a 3-input logic gate?

A 4
B 6
C 8
D 10

What is a combinational circuit with 2ⁿ outputs and n inputs called?

A Decoder
B Multiplexer
C Counter
D Encoder

What is the purpose of a synchronous counter?

A Reduce propagation delay
B Amplify clock signals
C Store multiple bits of data
D Perform logical operations

Which of the following circuits is used to implement multiplexing?

A XOR Gate
B AND Gate
C OR Gate
D Selector Circuit

What is the main purpose of a digital comparator?

A Compare two binary numbers
B Store binary data
C Perform arithmetic operations
D Shift data

Which type of flip-flop toggles its state with every clock pulse?

A JK Flip-Flop
B D Flip-Flop
C SR Flip-Flop
D T Flip-Flop

What is the function of a clock divider circuit?

A Store data
B Reduce the clock frequency
C Perform logical operations
D Amplify clock signals

What is the hexadecimal equivalent of binary 101011001010110010101100?

D A8

Which memory type is used for high-speed access in processors?

C Cache Memory
D Flash Memory

What is the main difference between ROM and RAM?

A ROM is faster than RAM
B RAM is non-volatile, ROM is volatile
C ROM is non-volatile, RAM is volatile
D Both are non-volatile

What does the term “propagation delay” refer to in digital circuits?

A The time taken to amplify a signal
B The time for a signal to travel through a logic gate
C The time for a counter to reset
D The time for memory access