Advanced Surveying and Geomatics MCQs (Part-3)

What is the primary function of geodetic surveying?

A Mapping cities
B Measuring Earth’s shape and size
C Monitoring subsidence
D Collecting aerial images

What does “datum transformation” refer to in surveying?

A Converting survey data to another time frame
B Adjusting height measurements
C Collecting new survey data
D Changing coordinate systems

What type of survey primarily uses LiDAR technology?

A Land surveying
B Hydrographic surveying
C Subsurface surveying
D Geodetic surveying

Which of the following methods is used to determine the height difference between two points?

A Triangulation
B Photogrammetry
C Leveling

What is the role of a total station in modern surveying?

A To measure distances and angles
B To generate 3D terrain models
C To create topographic maps
D To monitor land use

What does the “point cloud” refer to in surveying?

A A collection of elevation data
B A GPS-based map
C A data set from LiDAR or photogrammetry
D A geospatial data point

What does GIS stand for in surveying?

A Geographic Information System
B General Information Survey
C Geospatial Information System
D Geodetic Information System

What is a major advantage of using satellite imagery in surveying?

A High cost of data
B Low accuracy for small areas
C Covers large and remote areas
D Requires expensive equipment

Which surveying technique is used to measure the volume of water in lakes and rivers?

A Photogrammetry
B Topographic surveying
C Deformation monitoring
D Bathymetric surveying

What type of survey is used to monitor the stability of structures like dams and bridges?

A Land surveying
B Deformation monitoring
C Subsurface surveying
D Hydrographic surveying

What does “triangulation” help surveyors determine?

A Geographic boundaries
B Elevation of land
C Relative distances
D Land use patterns

Which of the following is the most common tool for collecting topographic survey data?

A Total Station
B Compass
C Barometer
D Laser Range Finder

In surveying, what is a “contour line” used to represent?

A The location of trees
B The boundaries of land parcels
C The direction of water flow
D The elevation of the land

What is a primary benefit of using drone surveying in large-scale projects?

A Increased survey time
B Requires manual data analysis
C Reduced cost and rapid data collection
D Limited range of use

What is the role of a “total station” in construction layout?

A Marking precise positions for construction
B Calculating land value
C Mapping soil composition
D Measuring the wind speed