Structural Analysis MCQs (Part-3)

What is the primary purpose of a shear center in structural analysis?

A To resist axial loads
B To calculate bending moments
C To locate the point where shear forces cause no twisting
D To determine deflections

Which of the following is true for a determinate structure?

A It can be analyzed using equilibrium equations alone
B It cannot be analyzed using equilibrium equations
C It has more unknowns than equilibrium equations
D It requires compatibility conditions

What is the primary purpose of the finite element method (FEM) in structural analysis?

A To analyze structures using discrete elements
B To calculate axial forces in trusses
C To determine support reactions
D To analyze only determinate structures

Which of the following is true for a beam with a uniformly distributed load?

A The shear force diagram is parabolic
B The bending moment diagram is linear
C The shear force diagram is linear
D The bending moment diagram is rectangular

What is the primary purpose of the force method in structural analysis?

A To calculate deflections
B To analyze indeterminate structures by removing redundants
C To determine axial forces in trusses
D To analyze dynamic loads

Which of the following is true for a fixed beam?

A It prevents rotation and translation at supports
B It allows rotation at supports
C It has no fixed supports
D It is always statically determinate

What is the primary purpose of the displacement method in structural analysis?

A To calculate axial forces
B To analyze structures based on displacements
C To determine support reactions
D To analyze only determinate structures

Which of the following is true for a three-hinged arch?

A It is statically determinate
B It is always unstable
C It has no hinges
D It cannot carry loads

What is the primary purpose of strain energy methods in structural analysis?

A To calculate deflections and rotations
B To determine axial forces
C To analyze dynamic loads
D To calculate bending moments

Which of the following is true for a beam with a point load at the free end of a cantilever?

A The bending moment is zero at the fixed end
B The shear force is zero throughout the beam
C The bending moment is maximum at the fixed end
D The deflection is zero at the free end

What is the primary purpose of dynamic analysis in structural engineering?

A To analyze structures under static loads
B To analyze structures under time-varying loads
C To calculate axial forces
D To determine support reactions

Which of the following is true for the buckling of columns?

A It occurs due to tensile forces
B It occurs due to compressive forces
C It is unaffected by material properties
D It is unrelated to column length

What is the primary purpose of structural stability analysis?

A To ensure structures do not collapse under loads
B To calculate deflections
C To determine axial forces
D To analyze dynamic loads

Which of the following is true for the influence of support settlements on structures?

A It causes no additional stresses
B It can induce additional stresses and deformations
C It only affects determinate structures
D It is irrelevant in structural analysis

What is the primary purpose of structural safety in design?

A To ensure structures can withstand loads without failure
B To minimize material costs
C To ignore load requirements
D To maximize deflections