Structural Analysis MCQs (Part-2)

What is the primary function of a truss in structural engineering?

A To resist bending moments
B To carry axial loads only
C To distribute shear forces
D To resist torsional forces

Which of the following is a characteristic of an arch structure?

A It develops tensile forces under load
B It is unstable under vertical loads
C It transfers loads through compression
D It cannot span long distances

What is the primary purpose of a shear force diagram?

A To show shear forces along a beam
B To show bending moments
C To show axial forces
D To show deflections

Which of the following is true for a cantilever beam?

A It is supported at both ends
B It has no supports
C It is fixed at one end and free at the other
D It is supported by a hinge

What is the primary assumption in the plastic analysis of structures?

A Materials behave elastically
B Materials yield and deform plastically
C Structures are statically determinate
D Structures are rigid

What is the primary purpose of the virtual work principle?

A To calculate deflections and rotations
B To analyze trusses
C To determine support reactions
D To calculate bending moments

Which of the following is true for a statically indeterminate structure?

A It can be analyzed using equilibrium equations alone
B It has more unknowns than equilibrium equations
C It is always unstable
D It has no fixed supports

What is the primary purpose of the moment distribution method?

A To analyze determinate structures
B To calculate deflections in beams
C To analyze indeterminate structures
D To determine axial forces in trusses

What is the primary cause of deflection in beams?

A Axial loads
B Bending moments
C Torsional forces
D Shear forces

Which of the following is true for a fixed-end moment?

A It occurs at free ends
B It is zero in all cases
C It occurs at fixed supports
D It is caused by axial loads

What is the primary purpose of the stiffness matrix method?

A To calculate deflections using matrix algebra
B To analyze determinate structures
C To determine axial forces in trusses
D To analyze plastic deformation

Which of the following is true for a simply supported beam?

A It has fixed supports at both ends
B It allows rotation at supports
C It cannot carry point loads
D It is always statically indeterminate

What is the primary purpose of load path analysis?

A To determine the aesthetic design of a structure
B To calculate material costs
C To trace how loads are transferred through a structure
D To analyze dynamic loads

Which of the following is true for the influence of temperature on structures?

A It causes thermal expansion or contraction
B It causes no deformation
C It only affects dynamic loads
D It has no effect on support reactions

What is the primary purpose of structural optimization?

A To maximize material usage
B To minimize cost while ensuring safety and performance
C To increase the weight of the structure
D To ignore load requirements