Fundamentals of Electric Circuits MCQs (Part-14)

What does **Ohm’s Law** describe?

A The relationship between current, voltage, and resistance
B Voltage equals current times resistance
C Resistance equals voltage times current
D Power equals voltage times current

What does **Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)** apply to?

A Voltage drop across a resistor
B The sum of currents entering and leaving a junction
C The energy stored in capacitors
D The total resistance in a circuit

What does **Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)** state?

A The sum of currents entering a junction is equal to the sum leaving
B The sum of the voltages in a closed loop equals zero
C The voltage across resistors in series is the same
D The total voltage is divided equally among resistors in series

What is the total current in a **series circuit**?

A The total current is divided among all components
B The total current is the same throughout the circuit
C The total current is equal to the sum of individual currents
D The current decreases with each component added

What happens to the total **resistance** in a **parallel circuit** when more resistors are added?

A The total resistance increases
B The total resistance decreases
C The total resistance stays the same
D The current decreases

What is the **impedance** in an AC circuit?

A The total current in the circuit
B The opposition to the flow of current, including both resistance and reactance
C The total voltage drop across components
D The resistance of inductive components

In a **purely capacitive AC circuit**, what happens to the impedance as the frequency increases?

A The impedance decreases
B The impedance increases
C The impedance remains constant
D The impedance becomes infinite

What happens to the **total current** in a **series circuit** when more resistors are added?

A The current increases
B The current decreases
C The current remains the same
D The current becomes zero

What is the **resonance** frequency in an RLC circuit?

A The frequency where inductive and capacitive reactance cancel each other out
B The frequency at which the impedance is minimized
C The frequency where the current is minimized
D The frequency where the voltage drop across components is maximized

What happens to the **current** in a circuit with a **high power factor**?

A The current decreases
B The current increases
C The current remains constant
D The current becomes zero

What happens when a **capacitor** is added to a circuit in **series**?

A The current increases significantly
B The capacitor blocks DC but allows AC to pass
C The capacitor stores all the energy
D The capacitor increases the voltage drop

How do **filters** work in an electrical circuit?

A They pass certain frequencies while blocking others
B They amplify all frequencies
C They store excess energy
D They increase the current in the circuit

What happens when **more resistors** are added to a **series circuit**?

A The total current increases
B The total resistance increases
C The total voltage increases
D The total current remains the same

What is the result of **adding more capacitors** in **parallel** with a circuit?

A The total capacitance decreases
B The total capacitance increases
C The total capacitance remains constant
D The voltage across each capacitor increases

What is the effect of **increasing the frequency** on the **impedance** of a purely inductive circuit?

A The impedance decreases
B The impedance increases
C The impedance remains constant
D The impedance becomes zero

What is the total power in a circuit with a **high power factor**?

A The total power is more efficiently used
B The current increases significantly
C The voltage drop decreases to zero
D The voltage increases significantly

What is **resonance** in an RLC circuit?

A The voltage across the components is minimized
B The inductive and capacitive reactances cancel each other out
C The current is minimized
D The impedance reaches its maximum value

What is the role of a **diode** in a circuit?

A To allow current to flow in only one direction
B To store energy
C To amplify signals
D To increase the current in the circuit

What is **transient analysis** used for in an electrical circuit?

A To study the steady-state behavior of the circuit
B To analyze the circuit’s behavior immediately after a sudden change in conditions
C To calculate the total power consumed
D To find the current in the circuit at steady state

What is the **total power** in an AC circuit with a power factor of 1?

A All of the supplied power is used for useful work
B Some of the power is lost as reactive power
C The circuit is inefficient
D Only reactive power is used