Fluid Mechanics MCQs (Part-1)

What is the SI unit of viscosity?

A Poise
B Newton
C Pascal
D Joule

Which of the following is a property of an ideal fluid?

A Viscosity
B Zero viscosity
C Compressibility
D Surface tension

What does Bernoulli’s equation primarily describe?

A Conservation of energy
B Conservation of mass
C Conservation of momentum
D Conservation of pressure

What is the continuity equation based on?

A Conservation of energy
B Conservation of momentum
C Conservation of mass
D Conservation of pressure

What is the Reynolds number used to determine?

A Pressure in a fluid
B Type of flow (laminar or turbulent)
C Viscosity of a fluid
D Density of a fluid

Which device is used to measure fluid velocity in a pipe?

A Manometer
B Barometer
C Venturimeter
D Hydrometer

What is the primary cause of cavitation in fluids?

A Low pressure
B High pressure
C High temperature
D Low viscosity

What is the formula for the hydraulic gradient in open channel flow?

A ΔP / L
B Δh / L
C ΔV / L
D ΔT / L

Which of the following is an example of laminar flow?

A Waterfall
B River flow
C Ocean waves
D Smoke rising from a candle

What is the primary force acting on a fluid in fluid statics?

A Gravitational force
B Inertial force
C Viscous force
D Surface tension

What is the purpose of a weir in fluid mechanics?

A Increase pressure
B Reduce velocity
C Store fluid
D Measure flow rate

What is the effect of increasing viscosity on fluid flow?

A Decreases flow rate
B Increases flow rate
C No effect on flow rate
D Increases turbulence

What is the primary application of dimensional analysis in fluid mechanics?

A Measuring fluid density
B Calculating fluid pressure
C Predicting fluid behavior
D Determining fluid temperature

What is the primary cause of water hammer in pipelines?

A Increase in fluid density
B Sudden valve closure
C Decrease in fluid velocity
D Increase in fluid temperature

What is the primary function of a pump in fluid systems?

A Increase fluid pressure
B Decrease fluid velocity
C Measure fluid flow
D Store fluid