Engineering Mechanics MCQs (Part-8)

What is the formula for calculating the moment of inertia of a rectangular beam?

A (bh³) / 12
B (bh²) / 6
C (bh²) / 2
D (bh³) / 36

Which of the following is true for a statically determinate structure?

A It has redundant supports
B It requires compatibility equations
C It is always unstable
D It can be analyzed using equilibrium equations alone

What is the formula for calculating the critical buckling load of a column?

A (π²EI) / (KL)²
B EI / L²
C (π²EI) / KL²
D (EIπ²) / KL²

Which of the following is true for a simply supported beam with a point load at the center?

A Maximum bending moment occurs at the supports
B Maximum shear force occurs at the center
C Both a and b
D Maximum deflection occurs at the supports

What is the formula for calculating the strain energy in a spring?

A (1/2) kx²
B kx
C (1/2) mv²
D (1/2) Fx

Which of the following is true for a cantilever beam with a point load at the free end?

A Maximum bending moment occurs at the free end
B Maximum shear force occurs at the free end
C Both a and b
D Maximum deflection occurs at the fixed end

What is the formula for calculating the modulus of elasticity?

A Strain / Stress
B Stress / Strain
C Force / Area
D Mass × Acceleration

Which of the following is true for a truss structure?

A It is made of curved members
B It carries bending moments
C It carries only axial loads
D It cannot carry tension

What is the formula for calculating the shear stress in a beam?

A (VQ) / (It)
B V / A
C M / I
D F / A

Which of the following is true for a free-body diagram?

A It shows only external forces
B It includes internal forces
C It ignores equilibrium
D It is used only for beams

What is the formula for calculating the center of mass?

A Sum of forces / Total mass
B Sum of moments / Total mass
C Sum of distances / Total volume
D Sum of areas / Total length

Which of the following is true for a rigid body?

A It deforms under load
B It has no deformation under load
C It is only used in fluid mechanics
D It cannot rotate

What is the formula for calculating the angular momentum?

A Mass × Velocity × Radius
B Force × Distance
C Mass × Acceleration
D Force / Area

Which of the following is true for a simply supported beam?

A It is used only for vertical loads
B It has fixed supports at both ends
C It cannot carry bending moments
D It has a hinge support at one end and a roller at the other

What is the formula for calculating the strain energy?

A (1/2) × Stress × Strain × Volume
B Force × Distance
C Mass × Acceleration
D Force / Area