Construction Materials and Building Technology MCQs (Part-5)
Which of the following is a property of high-strength concrete?
A Low compressive strength
B High water-cement ratio
C High durability
D Low cost
High-strength concrete has a low water-cement ratio and high compressive strength, making it highly durable and suitable for demanding structural applications like high-rise buildings and bridges.
What is the primary use of lime in construction?
A Reinforcement
B Insulation
C Waterproofing
D Mortar and plaster
Lime is used in construction for making mortar and plaster. It provides good workability, adhesion, and durability, making it suitable for masonry and finishing applications.
Which of the following is a non-destructive testing method for concrete?
A Compression test
B Rebound hammer test
C Tensile test
D Flexural test
The rebound hammer test is a non-destructive method to assess the compressive strength of concrete. It measures the rebound of a spring-driven hammer to estimate the surface hardness and strength of the concrete.
What is the main purpose of admixtures in concrete?
A Increase cost
B Reduce workability
C Enhance properties
D Decrease durability
Admixtures are added to concrete to enhance its properties, such as workability, setting time, strength, and durability. They can also improve resistance to harsh environmental conditions.
Which of the following is a type of cement used for quick setting?
A Rapid Hardening Cement
B Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
C Sulphate Resistant Cement
D White Cement
Rapid Hardening Cement gains strength faster than Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) due to its higher fineness and higher C3S content. It is used in projects requiring quick setting and early strength development.
What is the primary function of a slump test?
A Measure compressive strength
B Assess workability
C Determine tensile strength
D Check durability
The slump test measures the consistency and workability of fresh concrete. It helps determine if the concrete mix is suitable for placement and compaction.
Which of the following is a property of good quality timber?
A High moisture content
B Low density
C Free from knots
D Poor durability
Good quality timber should be free from knots, cracks, and other defects. It should also have low moisture content, high density, and good durability for use in construction.
What is the primary use of bitumen in construction?
A Waterproofing
B Reinforcement
C Insulation
D Structural framing
Bitumen is widely used in construction for waterproofing roofs, basements, and foundations. It is also used in road construction as a binder for asphalt.
Which of the following is a green building certification?
A ISO 9001
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices for sustainability and environmental performance.
What is the primary purpose of formwork in construction?
A To reinforce concrete
B To shape and support concrete
C To cure concrete
D To waterproof concrete
Formwork is a temporary mold used to shape and support fresh concrete until it hardens and gains sufficient strength. It is essential for creating structural elements like beams, columns, and slabs.
Which of the following is a lightweight construction material?
A Concrete
B Steel
C AAC blocks
D Brick
AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) blocks are lightweight, precast foam concrete building materials. They are known for their thermal insulation, fire resistance, and ease of handling.
What is the primary function of reinforcement in concrete?
A Increase weight
B Improve aesthetics
C Provide tensile strength
D Reduce cost
Reinforcement, usually in the form of steel bars, is added to concrete to provide tensile strength and prevent cracking under load, ensuring the structural integrity of the concrete.
Which of the following is a sustainable construction material?
A Fly ash
B Asbestos
D Lead
Fly ash is a byproduct of coal combustion and is considered a sustainable construction material. It reduces the need for cement in concrete, lowering carbon emissions and enhancing durability.
What is the primary purpose of curing concrete?
A To dry it quickly
B To maintain moisture for hydration
C To reduce its strength
D To increase its cost
Curing is the process of maintaining adequate moisture, temperature, and time to allow the concrete to achieve its desired strength and durability through proper hydration of cement.
Which of the following is a non-conventional construction material?
A Steel
B Bamboo
C Cement
D Bricks
Bamboo is a non-conventional construction material that is gaining popularity due to its sustainability, strength, and flexibility. It is used in various applications, including scaffolding, flooring, and reinforcement.