Advanced Surveying and Geomatics MCQs (Part-1)

What is the primary function of a Total Station in surveying?

A Creating GIS maps
B Measuring angles only
C Measuring angles and distances
D Measuring distances only

Which system is primarily used for satellite‐based positioning in surveying?

D Photogrammetry

What does GIS stand for in surveying?

A Geospatial Information System
B General Information Survey
C Geodetic Information System
D Geographic Information System

What is the primary purpose of LiDAR technology in surveying?

A Measuring light intensity
B Collecting temperature data
C Generating 3D terrain models
D Capturing high-resolution images

Which surveying method involves the use of aerial photographs to create maps?

A Hydrographic surveying
B Photogrammetry
C Traverse surveying
D Bathymetric surveying

What is the main purpose of a geodetic survey?

A Mapping underground utilities
B Measuring small land areas
C Determining the precise shape and size of the Earth
D Conducting property boundary surveys

What is a traverse in surveying?

A A closed polygon of survey points
B A single straight survey line
C A curved line survey
D A survey conducted underwater

What is the primary objective of bathymetric surveying?

A Mapping underground structures
B Surveying forested regions
C Conducting land boundary surveys
D Measuring depth of water bodies

Which coordinate system is commonly used in surveying?

A Hectare System
B Fahrenheit Coordinate System
C Cartesian Coordinate System
D Celsius Coordinate System

What does deformation monitoring in surveying refer to?

A Checking soil composition
B Observing structural movements over time
C Measuring air temperature
D Mapping vegetation changes

Which technique is used to measure ground elevation in topographic surveys?

A Contour mapping
B GIS analysis
C Remote sensing
D Point cloud processing

What is the primary application of drone surveying?

A Underground utility detection
B Soil testing
C Large-scale land mapping
D High-speed rail construction

What does cadastral mapping focus on?

A Mapping underground water sources
B Mapping vegetation
C Measuring atmospheric pressure
D Recording land ownership and boundaries

What is the primary purpose of hydrographic surveying?

A Estimating population density
B Mapping coastal and marine features
C Measuring wind speed
D Recording solar radiation

What is datum transformation in surveying?

A Converting coordinates between reference systems
B Changing surveying instruments
C Adjusting satellite positions
D Modifying weather data